Lindisfarne Community FAQs
Q: What is the Lindisfarne Community?
A: We are an independent, ecumenical religious community in the Anglo-Celtic tradition. 

Q: Why "Lindisfarne"?
A: The Holy Island of Lindisfarne is a small island off the North East Coast of England. It was the first place where Celtic Christainity came through missionaries from Iona in Scotland. It is said to be the "cradle of Christianity" in England. Our religious order is named after this holy place.

Q: How do I join the Community?
A: You will be in broad agreement with the sentiments of the Community found on this web site (the Community's way of living and understandings) and you will have the desire to live a serious spiritual life outlined broadly in "the Rule of the Lindisfarne Community," our shared commitment. If you find yourself in that position, then we would like to develop a relationship with you. After a period of enquiry, there is a novitiate of a year followed by professsion in the Community.
Contact us.

Q: Is the Lindisfarne Community orthodox in its beliefs?
A: In the community we accept the great creeds of the early church (the Apostle’s and the Nicene) as an historical expression of the faith of the Christian church. At the same time we recognize that there are a variety of interpretations of the creeds. Community members tend to be theologically progressive, though there are a variety of understandings among us. We are a community of practice rather than holding to strict statements of faith. Members of the community are at liberty to work out their own beliefs. We give community members space to grow and change.

Q: Can I be a member of another Church or religion?
A: Yes. We have a number of members who are profesed in the Community and who have a commitment to a local Christian church in their vicinity, or who have Buddhist or Daoist connections. 

Q: Do you live together as a community?
A: No. we are a scattered community. To understand how the Lindisfarne Community functions, think of something like a "third order" community such as "Third Order Francsicans."

Q: Is the Lindisfarne Community an interfaith community?
A: We are rooted in Christianity (as is our liturgy) but we are happy exploring inter-spirituality. Some community members have a "double-belonging" self-identifying as, for example, Buddhist Christians, or Daoist Christians. We have found, as Thomas Merton did, that spiritual practices are common to all the major world faiths.
Women & the New Monasticism

Lindisfarne Community Distinctiveness

It is always with a sense of privilege and gratitude that, on occasion when asked about the Order in which I am Ordained and Professed, I find myself wonderfully challenged to try to describe us.

I realize most people who are asking have an all-male Roman Catholic community in mind. They want me to just say “the Franciscans”, or, “the Benedictines”, and be done with it-somewhat along the lines of a vocational elevator speech.

Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out how to briefly sum up that we are a community of different genders, sexes, ages, nationalities, occupations, and colors, serving in ministries that happen anywhere but in a monastery or convent.

I lead up gradually to the part about there being among our number: Taoists, Zen Monks, Martial Artists, Yanks, Scots, Brits, Irish, Australians, Northerners, Southerners, Westerners, Easterners, Rock and Jazz Musicians, Philosophers, Nurses, Coaches, Cooks, Shrinks, Solitaries, Urban Chaplains, Poets, Professors, Tai Chi Masters, Evangelicals, Unitarians, Methodists, Anglicans, Jews, Muslims, Yogis, Moms, Dads, Singles, Marrieds, Partnereds, Jungians, Pagans, and Equestrians. Did I miss anybody? Oh yeah, and Pugs.

A company of the called-gathered and beloved by the Father-Mother God we have in common, and so unlike a singular gathering of men, or of any one group to the exclusion of others. (We couldn’t pull it off, I don’t think we have enough of any one thing to exclude any other one thing).

- Richard+